Getting Started
This is a process site for an Interaction Design class taught at Academy of Art University. The concept of the project is to develop and prototype our own app to better learn the process of UI/UX design.
3 Concepts
To begin the assignment I had to identify 3 problems that I personally experience. These would then become concepts for an app. The three I chose to bring to class are listed below.
What's In My Fridge?
An app that allows its users to access the contents of their fridge while shopping, make better use of their produce, and get alerts when items are near spoil.
Privacy and Security
This app would allow users to have control over their online privacy and information use. It would help break down popular apps terms and better educate the user on their security online.
BART Mobile App
BART or Bay Area Rapid Transit, has been dealing with a new ticket system, and keeping track of payments is a very hefty task. The BART Mobile App would allow users to skip buying tickets at a sketchy machine and track their spending.
I have chosen Privacy and Security because it is a very prevalent issue in our current society, worldwide.