To better assess the users needs and experience it is important to conduct research, and find out information that may entirely change your approach.
Interview Questions
1) Do you feel 100% informed on how your information and data is saved or shared through social media?
2) When was the last time you read a complete privacy claim before pressing accept?
3) On a scale of 1-10 how secure do you feel online?
4) Have you ever seen an ad for an item or service you had just verbally spoken about? If yes, how does this make you feel?
5) How would you feel if you had an app that allowed you to see all of your information being shared, in one place? Would you pay to use such an app?
6) Did you know that at least 90% of the information collected online is privately owned?
Reviewing the interviews I can conclude that most people who use an online interface have concerns about their privacy online. Most answered 7 to the question on how secure they felt, but towards the end of the conversation they showed the app would be of great use. I believe most are not ok with how their information is being shared, although do not know enough at first to have real concern. We can use this in our marketing strategy, the more the consumer knows the more the app seems relevant.
I gathered really great suggestions and insights on what more they would want from the app, and believe it would be an effective project.
Instagram Poll Questions
Must be short, and also keep interest.
1) Are you aware your online data is being collected, abused, and sold?
Insert story of "Copley Advertising" and how they used location data collected from people’s phones to send anti-choice ads to the devices of people who were near abortion clinics.
2) When was the last time you COMPLETELY read a privacy claim before pressing accept? 3 options: Every time, I skim, and never.
Interesting fact with graphic:
A new Deloitte survey found that over 90% of consumers accept legal terms and conditions without reading them.
3) How secure do you feel online?
4) Have you ever seen an ad for an item or service you had just verbally spoken about?
22 percent of Americans used devices like Google Home or Amazon Echo
Hey, Alexa, What Can You Hear? And What Will You Do With It?
5) Would you like an app that shows exactly how your information is being used and how to stop it?
Final Screens
Response Screens
Amount of Recipients: 53 followers
Age Range: 14 - 37 years
Average Age: 22
11/53 were Male, 20% M 80% F
Looking at the results I have come to the conclusion that the majority of my followers were not aware of how their data was being used, and that it does concern almost everyone. Lack of information is currently the biggest issue, although once presented with facts and concerning truths- the audience is swayed otherwise. I will use this factor in my design concept.